Peggy Cotter Award
Recognizes Dr. Cotter’s commitment to mentoring and training of early career scientists.
Peggy Cotter “early career” awards
Support registration, accommodation and travel costs associated with attending ASM Microbe.
- Must be a national AND WNY ASM branch member in goodstanding
- Eligible up to 15 years beyond terminal degree for Postdoctoral fellows, Clinical laboratory scientist (CLS, MT, MLT, MLS), Early career faculty, Early stage investigators (ESI’s)
- Other categories and rare exceptions may apply.
- Students and past recipients are not eligible.
Applications are collected in winter of every year (keep in mind if planning on 2025!)

Peggy Cotter, PhD
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
Professor, Dept of Microbiology and Immunology
Internationally recognized
educator in microbiology
Past ASM president
Editor Molecular Microbiology
from 2006-2011
Leader for ASM’s Manuscript Writing and Publishing for Scientists webinar series