Dear WNY ASM Members and Microbiology Community Friends, I am honored to be your President for the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Western New York Branch. ASM was essential during my training as a microbiologist and continues to be an important organization to support my career and the careers of my trainees.
The mission and objectives of our organization are to foster interaction among microbiologists in the Western New York State region, to promote scientific knowledge of microbiology and related subjects, and to improve education in microbiology and related fields. To fulfill these objectives, we organize continuing education meetings to discuss cutting edge findings on exciting topics in microbiology. We also support two awards, the Peggy Cotter Award and the Erwin Neter Award, to recognize early career and student members.
Our branch planning committee is always looking for new opportunities to continue to support education and development in the microbiology field for members from Western New York. Please contact us if there are suggestions for new avenues you want to see this organization pursue. I thank all members for your interest in our branch, participation at meetings, and valuable contributions as speakers or organizers. Thanks to your active participation, we will continue to have a successful Western New York Branch of the ASM that serves our microbiology community.
Sincerely yours,
Patricia I. Diaz, D.D.S., Ph.D.
President WNY ASM Branch