Annual WNY ASM Spring Meeting
Monday, April 17th, 2023
Hayes Hall, Room 403
3435 Main Street, Buffalo, UB South Campus
Map link: UB south campus
Park in Diefendorf or Townsend lots. No permit required after 3 PM.

Christina Hidalgo, MPH
Rebecca Hoelzl, MPH
Regional Epidemiologists, New York State Department of Health,
Western Regional Office, Buffalo, Mew York
“Extreme to Routine: Western Region Communicable Disease Updates”

Jonathan Lovell, Ph. D.
SUNY Empire Innovation Associate Professor, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Science
“Liposome-Display of Antigens: A Versatile Approach for Vaccine Development”

Alexis Morgenstern
Erwin Neter Award Winner 2022,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
“Type 2 Cytokines Diminish S. aureus Invasion of Basal Keratinocytes”
Attendance certificates available on request |